ДОВІДНИК З NODE-RED українською мовою
The Server node is an OPC UA server with a simple optional information model (ASO Demo). The address space is to expand with the ASO nodes and commands are to send by the Command nodes.
Default enpoint: opc.tcp://localhost:55388
Named enpoint: opc.tcp://localhost:55388/UA/NodeREDIIoTServer
Default discovery: opc.tcp://localhost:4840/UADiscovery
all discovery: opc.tcp://localhost:4840/
If you need more information about all options read the node-opcua API, please!
The ‘Delay On Close’ is to close the server node with delay to all other nodes.
The server provides simple NodeOPCUA demo certificates and private keys.
You could set up your own certificate and private key files. This is optional.
The user list is to set up users to the server. It is stored with Node-RED credentials best practice.
That is static for now to add ISA95, DI, and Auto-ID to a server via XML NodeSet.
That gives you access to the servers discovery node-opcua parameters.
Set showErrors to get errors from node-opcua on browse.