
Посібник по промисловим мережам

The beginnings of a documentation for LIBNODAVE


LIBNODAVE provides a way to exchange data with Siemens PLCs of S7-200, 300 and 400 families. It has also been successfully tested with a VIPA Speed7 CPU. It should also be useable with S7-compatible PLCs from SAIA. Data exchange comprises all memory areas and variables you canaccess in your PLC programs, e.g. flags, data blocks,input and output image memory, timers and counters. Additionally, LIBNODAVEprovides access to functions that are in the scope of programming software, e,g. reading diagnostic information, read program blocks from a PLC and write them to a PLC, start and stop a PLC.


LIBNODAVE is free software under GPL and LGPL.


LIBNODAVE is currently available for UNIX and Win32. It comes with precompiled libraries for LINUX and Windows. You may port it yourself on any system providing a C compiler. Get the latest version from Sourceforge.

Basic usage

getting started


frequently asked questions