
Матеріали курсу Людино-машинні інтерфейси

Проект Situational Awareness -> Situational Awareness Library



The damper object is based closely on the control valve object. It shows the position and status of dampers. The elements and behavior are as described in the Common Elements.


Property Description
Name Damper Valve
Graphical Representation img
Example Equipment Template Valve
Associated Composite Genie Valve.xml
Equipment.Items the Genie expects Open, POS, Closed, Opening, ClosingCtrlMode, CtrlModeDefRunStatusOP OPTrackFBOOS, OOSDisableOpenCmdCloseCmdStopCmdAutoCmdManCmdStopped
Equipment Parameters the Equipment Items Expect InternalIODeviceCicodeIODeviceEqStatusFuncCtrlModeRange
Associated Faceplate(s) Simple ON / OFF ValveComplex ON / OFF Valve
Equipment.Items that the Faceplate expects OPTrackCtrlModeDefOpenCmdCloseCmdStopCmdAutoCmdManCmdStopped

Note: Check that the address configured for a valve in the PLC is the same as the tag address specified in Plant SCADA. If this is not configured correctly, the state and output value of the valve will not be accurate.

OpenPresentation Options

The following presentation options are available for this object.

Option Description
Equipment Name Enter a name for the piece of equipment. You can enter a maximum of 160 characters for this option.
Equipment Item Prefix Specify the prefix and the equipment.item the prefix will be applied to.
Valve Type Select the type of Valve - Block, Control or Damper, Hand.
Size Size of the Valve - small or large.
Orientation Select the orientation that is appropriate for the presentation of the object on the graphics page. Horizontal or Vertical. Horizontal is selected by default.
Fail Type Select the fail action for the valve (open, closed, or last).
Display Label Use this setting to display a label at the selected position. Select None if you do not want to display a label.
Label Enter the text that will display at the location specified in Display Label field. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters for this option.
Display Alarm Indicator Select this option to display an alarm indicator which indicates the highest priority alarm and its state for this Valve’s equipment.
Display Alarm Flag Use this setting to display an alarm flag at the selected position. Note: If you select the same position for the alarm flag and Display Status indicator (see below), they will overlap. The alarm flag will not be visible.
Display Status Indicator Select the location to display a status indicator. Select None if you do not wish to see the status indicator. For more information, see Status Indicators.
Display Output Bar Select this option to display a field control or computer control for this object.
Display OOS Select this option to display an out of service indicator.
Display Control Mode Select this option to display a mode indicator for the object.
Display Readback The Display Readback represents the actual output for the controller.
Display Value Select this option to display the output value.